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The ARRA Effect: CPOE Adoption In the Era of Meaningful Use

August 25, 2011, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

Colin Buckley, Strategic Operations Manager, KLAS, Orem, UT. Monitoring CPOE adoption since 2002, KLAS has observed a steady, if not slow, rise in the number of hospitals using this key clinical best practice. With the passage of ARRA in 2009, what was an eventual goal became a mandatory requirement for nearly every hospital in America. Describing the increase of CPOE adoption that has resulted from meaningful use (MU) requirements, KLAS shares research about the long road remaining for the majority of providers who have yet to reach the CPOE milestone. In addition, Colin discusses which vendors, products and practices have led to successful CPOE adoption in the face of approaching MU deadlines.