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Activity-based Costing Initiative at the University of Michigan

July 25, 2017, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

Andrew L. Rosenberg, MD, CIO, Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, and Migdalia Musler, Associate CFO, University of Michigan Medical Group.  Healthcare providers and health systems may be at financial and other risk if they are unable to accurately determine costs for patients and their episodes of care, let alone how those costs compare to outcomes achieved. There are few, if any, commercially available systems that efficiently and accurately collect, refine, analyze and visualize cost, revenue, clinical variation, and outcome data in a manner where care delivery can be transformed to meet the new emphasis on demonstrating value and improved quality of care.  The University of Michigan Health System has been developing a program to achieve these goals and will describe their current state, challenges, and future directions for an advanced costing and outcomes analytics system based on  vendor and custom developed tools.