Ken Letkeman

Ken Letkeman

CIO and SVP, Houston Methodist

Ken Letkeman serves as CIO/senior vice president of Houston Methodist, a role he has held since 2018. His experience includes 30 years working in healthcare technology, most recently serving as CIO at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he led the organization’s successful Epic implementation.

Mr. Letkeman’s core belief in effective, efficient and secure operations drives his executive leadership of a healthcare IT division comprising nearly 600 employees and a $165 million annual budget. The division supports nearly 24,000 employees in a $4.3 billion infrastructure composed of eight hospitals, eight emergency care centers, one research institute, 120-plus outpatient clinics throughout the Houston area and 15 international locations. His healthcare IT experience also includes more than a decade consulting with large physician groups and service as CEO at Marshfield Clinic Information Services Inc., an IT company delivering and managing leading-edge products and services for healthcare providers.

Before becoming CEO, Mr. Letkeman held the position of CIO at Marshfield. He is a native of Manitoba, Canada, and he holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce from the University of Manitoba.

Bio updated March 2021

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