Aliya Jones, MD, Chair, Department of Behavioral Health, Bon Secours Baltimore Health System, Allan Austin, Senior Organizational Effectiveness Consultant and Allen Tien, MD, MHS, President and Chief Science Officer, mdlogix. The ED Diversion program was designed to provide comprehensive screening and improved referral processes for high utilizers of the Bon Secours Emergency Department, enabling better care and outcomes for these patients. These patients tend to be the most chronically ill with co-morbid behavioral health challenges, somatic health issues, and negative . The ED program was based on a cloud-based data platform and web tools for assessment, referral, and data visualization, including a uniquely comprehensive and validated behavioral health screen and social determinants measure, and its use by a Peer Recovery Coach in the ED. Results showed feasibility and effectiveness, and identified opportunities for further integration and organization to address the long-term and complex needs of this challenging population.