Amy Compton-Phillips, MD, Chief Clinical Officer, Providence, shares lessons learned to date from ground zero of the COVID-19 pandemic. Providence is embracing technology and lowering regulatory barriers to flatten the curve and ultimately transform healthcare. Dr. Compton-Phillips will explain how Chat-Bot triage, virtual visits and centralized, remote monitoring are reducing PPE use and keeping patients safe at home until they need to be treated in person, how staffing challenges are being addressed with telehealth innovations that scale, best practices for collaborating with government in a single voice, and analytics and modeling to allow better preparation and resource allocation. In pursuit of Health for a Better World, Providence is sharing experience and key learnings to help other providers, communities and leaders be ready. Please review the links below in advance of the call.
VIDEO | CNN: “A Million Masks” – Health Workers Risk Exposure Amid Pandemic
VIDEO | CNN: One-on-One with Doctor Who Treated First U.S. Patient