John Bulger, DO, MBA, Chief Medical Officer Population Health, Geisinger Health System and Chief Medical Officer of Geisinger Health Plan, and David Ledbetter, PhD, FACMG, Executive VP & Chief Scientific Officer, Geisinger Health System. After extensive experience with DNA sequencing of patient-participants in a research setting, Geisinger has initiated clinical DNA sequencing in three primary care clinics throughout our system. Nearly 1,000 patients have had sequencing performed, and 3% are found to have a genomic change putting them at significantly increased risk for early onset cancers (e.g., breast, ovarian, colon, or cardiovascular disease, i.e., familial hypercholesterolemia). Genetic counselors partner with these high-risk patients and their primary care physicians to seek risk-reducing actions or procedures. Drs. Bulger and Ledbetter will share their “lessons learned” from this primary care patient management approach. (Part I was September 25, 2018, and can be accessed via our teleconference library.)