Ida Sim, MD, PhD

CRIO, Professor of Medicine, UCSF

Ida Sim, MD, PhD is a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where she co-directs Informatics and Research Innovation at UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, and is Director of Digital Health for the Division of General Internal Medicine. Dr. Sim’s research focuses on open integrated architectures of mobile technologies for clinical research and primary care. She is a global leader in the policy and technology of large-scale sharing of clinical trials and mobile health data. In 2011, she co-founded Open mHealth, a non-profit organization that is breaking down barriers to mobile health app and data integration through an open software architecture. In 2017, she co-founded Vivli, a global data sharing platform for finding, requesting, and analyzing participant-level clinical trials data. Her digital health projects include integrating patient-reported outcomes into primary care, management of hypertension and depression in primary care, N-of-1 studies on wellbeing and chronic pain management, analytic platforms for real-time mobile data provenance and analysis, and cloud infrastructure for patient-generated data.

Dr. Sim has served on multiple advisory committees on health information infrastructure for clinical care and research, including committees of the National Research Council and National Academy of Medicine. She is a recipient of the United States Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics, and a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Dr. Sim is a practicing primary care physician.

Bio posted November 2020

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