Jocelyn Carter, MD, MPH

Internal Medicine Hospitalist and Clinician Scientist, Mass General Hospital (MGH)

Dr. Jocelyn Carter, MD, MPH is clinically prepared in internal medicine and preventive medicine. After completing her Internal Medicine and Leadership and Preventive Medicine residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dr. Carter joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School where she provides clinical care, supervises trainees, and conducts outcomes research. As a clinician-scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and a practicing internal medicine hospitalist within the MGH Division of General Internal Medicine, Dr. Carter’s primary research includes studying patient-centered interventions that improve health outcomes for vulnerable patients with serious-illness. Dr. Carter is particularly interested in population health initiatives and care delivery models that leverage technology while promoting prevention, and completed the MGH Healthcare Transformation Lab Applied Research Fellowship in Healthcare Innovation in 2017.

She is the director of the Community CAre Transitions (C-CAT) initiative (linking inpatients with community health workers who close gaps in care driven by social determinants of health) and her NIH K23 research career development award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute examines the feasibility, acceptability, and usability of a digitally-enabled community health worker intervention in heart failure populations. Dr. Carter is the Director of Research Equity for the Division of General Internal Medicine. She is also the Manager of Trainee Affairs for the MGH Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

She enjoys serving on an MGH Department of Medicine Internship Selection Committee and as a Professional Coach for residents and fellows within the Department of Medicine. Dr. Carter is a member of the MGH Physicians Organization Clinical Practice and Contracting Committee, the Contemporary Trials Editorial Board, the Society of General Internal Medicine Evidence-Based Medicine Sub-Committee (co-chair) and the ABIM’s American Board of Preventive Medicine Public Health Committee.

Bio posted June 2021

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