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Achieving Meaningful Use

June 30, 2009, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

David C. Classen, M.D., M.S., Senior Partner, CSC, and leader of CSC’s clinical excellence and safety and quality initiatives, and Erica Drazen, SC.D., Managing Partner, CSC, and leader of the Emerging Practices Group, the applied research function of CSC Global Health. On June 16th the ONC Meaningful Use Work Group presented to the ONC Policy Committee an initial draft of requirements for the meaningful use of an EHR, one of the two requirements to receive incentive payments. The results are staged, but also quite aggressive. Requirements proposed for 2011 include using CPOE for all types of orders; basic interaction checking, maintaining up to date medication, problem and allergy information; exchanging clinical information on problems, allergies, medications and test results among providers; and providing medication reconciliation at relevant encounters. It was suggested that e-Mar, advanced clinical decision support and clinical documentation also be required in 2011. The proposed metrics include the percent of orders entered by physicians using CPOE, as well as traditional quality metrics. The discussion centered on moving requirements forward to meet next deadlines. The question is no longer, “What is meaningful use?”, it is, “How do I achieve meaningful use?” Join a discussion on best practices on how to select and implement EHR systems to achieve meaningful use.