Craig Weinert, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and Medical Director for Adult In-Patient Services, and Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Writing Studies, University of Minnesota. Drs. Weinert and Breuch share findings of a pilot study involving surveys and interviews of patients and/or family members in six inpatient services regarding the sharing of physicians’ notes during hospital stays. Patients were asked questions about the progress notes as well as perspectives of themselves as the subject of the notes. Survey results showed 74% to 86% responded positively and highly valued the progress notes. The rise of the patient-as-informed consumer and patient experience scores for hospitals and typed clinician notes stored in EMRs means that patients will increasingly expect to read their doctor notes in near-real time. What do patients say after reading their doctor notes while hospitalized? What do providers say? How does a teaching hospital provide doctor notes to hospitalized patients or their families? They also discuss issues and trends that emerged.