Liz Boehm, Experience Innovation Network Director, Vocera. To drive differentiation, loyalty, and growth, leading healthcare organizations are investing in the patient experience. To drive those patient experience efforts, healthcare organizations are appointing senior leaders, Chief Experience Officers (CXOs), who are responsible for creating sustainable system transformation that delivers optimal care to patients and families while empowering care teams and staff to achieve their highest healing potential. Join this teleconference to learn more about the complex and changing role of the CXO to understand the pressures, priorities, successes, and challenges of this emerging function within healthcare leadership. Participants will learn: How healthcare organizations are resourcing, prioritizing, and aligning experience improvement across organizations; challenges and solutions to creating a system-wide infrastructure for experience improvement; how technology supports the hardwiring of human experience in healthcare; and how future changes in healthcare will redefine the CXO role and drive the imperative for differentiation and growth across healthcare.