Bryan Bliven, CIO, MU Health Care and Executive Director, Tiger Institute for Health Innovations, and Mike Seda, Director, Regional Operations, Tiger Institute. As University of Missouri Health has been progressing on its journey towards value-based care it has developed various types of innovative healthcare provider and industry partnerships to scale care delivery across a larger geographic and population base. The Health Network of Missouri (HNM) is a LLC currently consisting of six Missouri health systems with stated objectives that include achieving clinical integration among members and their medical staffs, pursuing population health management activities, containing costs, joint payer contracting, developing clinical care pathways and treatment protocols, improving information technology systems, and pursuing other opportunities to improve healthcare services for the residents of Missouri. HNM is leveraging the Tiger Institute for Health Innovation, a unique partnership with Cerner Corporation, to quickly and efficiently scale population health and interoperability infrastructure across the network and to institute a framework in the partnership that incentivizes the creation of value.