Robert Sawicki, MD, Senior VP Supportive Care, Linda Fehr, RN, Division Director Supportive Care, Roopa Foulger, Executive Director Data Delivery, OSF Healthcare, and Leslie Hough-Falk, Vice President, Health Catalyst. OSF HealthCare, recipient of the 2014 Illinois Hospital Association (IHA) Institute for Innovations in Care and Quality’s first annual Tim Philipp Award for Excellence in Palliative and End-of-Life Care, discusses how it leveraged technology and data to launch a community-wide supportive care initiative that has successfully maximized value for the populations they serve. Learn how OSF is improving healthcare quality and delivering on the Triple Aim, explore innovative ways to improve care coordination, discover how technology-enabled solutions drives community, patient, and physician engagement, and understand the benefit of a team approach to improving care coordination. OSF’s initiative has been embraced by the entire community, including the OSF healthcare system and other systems and providers in the region. In the process, the initiative has exceeded its goals.