Jerome A. Osheroff, MD, FACP, FACMI, TMIT Consulting, LLC. Scottsdale Institute members and others have recently launched a collaboration to better leverage CDS in addressing recent imperatives for better healthcare outcomes. The collaborative work focuses on using a template (based on the ‘CDS Five Rights’) to document what information the organization is providing to whom, in what formats, through which channels, at which points in workflow to improve targeted outcomes. That vendor-neutral group will refine the generic template, and populate and share it in a manner that yields significant value to individual participants. The broader collaborative expects that vendor-specific sub-communities will form to leverage the generic CDS configuration documentation template and content to record and share target-focused configurations that are more vendor specific. In this teleconference, Dr. Osheroff briefly reviews the purpose and starting point for the broader initiative. Group discussion and planning will follow about whether and how the SI Cerner Collaborative might participate as a sub-community of the broader initiative.