Fran Turisco, Research Principal, Emerging Practices, CSC. Our health system is strained by a growing aging population, a shortage of care providers, more people suffering from chronic conditions, fragmented care management and rising costs – and needs disruptive changes to address these major problems. “The Future of Healthcare: It’s Health, then Care” presentation is based on research recently published by CSC’s Leading Edge Forum and will discuss five emerging trends and supporting technologies that are re-shaping and moving the industry from a care-first to a wellness-first perspective. The presentation takes a holistic view of healthcare – putting the patient at the center, and links future healthcare technologies to the foundational EHR work in progress at many healthcare organizations. The five trends and the technologies described in these trends include: E-Power to the Patient, Earlier Detection, High-Tech Healing, Resources: More, but Different, and a Global Healthcare Ecosystem.