Connecting Patients, Providers and Insights Through IoT

John Gresham, Vice President of DeviceWorks and Interoperability, Cerner Corporation. Providers across the care continuum are transforming care delivery using medical device connectivity, open and interoperable platforms, and the internet of things (IoT). By facilitating the exchange of information and data across wearables, fitness apps, location-based and other technologies in an ecosystem of smart, connected […]

Using Innovative Analytics to Manage Risk, Improve Patient Care and Lower Costs

Sam VanNorman, MS, CPHQ, General Manager Managed Analytics Programs (MAP), and Derek Pederson, MA, MBA, VP Medical Informatics Consulting, Optum.  See how innovative analytics helped to mitigate risks associated with diabetes severity, potentially avoidable ER visits, and palliative care across health systems.  Gain insights from three highly impactful case studies and see how advanced data […]

Ins and Outs of Interoperability Vendors

Bob Cash, VP, Provider Relations, and Colin Buckley, Strategic Operations Director, KLAS.  Current interoperability measurement provides important insights into the enablers, barriers, and progress of data sharing, but it requires significant time for providers to participate, effort for KLAS to collect, and expense for vendors and other partnering organizations to support. Join us as Bob […]

An Integrated Strategy: TeleHealth at Intermountain Healthcare

Brian Wayling, AVP TeleHealth Services, Angie Adams, RN, BSN, TeleHealth Program Manager, and Katherine Repko, RN, TeleHealth Operations Manager, Intermountain Healthcare.  Intermountain Healthcare has deployed a broad range of TeleHealth programs in just a few years that have facilitated over 330,000 patient interactions. Participants will hear how a central TeleHealth deployment team, and an integrated […]

This Just in: MIPS Information Blocking – New Attestation Requirements for 2017!

Dan Golder, DDS, MBA, Principal, Jason Fortin, Senior Advisor, and Larry Katzovitz, Senior Advisor Impact Advisors.  This session provides late-breaking information about what every provider needs to know now in order to successfully attest for 2017. Dan, Jason and Larry examine the implications of the recent clarification from CMS regarding the MIPS requirement that eligible […]

Personal Health Management at Memorial Hermann

Amanda Hammel, VP IT Operations and Population Health, and Nicole Clarke Luck, VP Finance, Memorial Hermann Health System.  The transformation into healthy populations, reduced cost per capita, and improved consumer and provider experiences begins with a scalable platform. Amanda and Nicole discuss their experience in leveraging people, process, and technology to create a population health […]

Once More, With Feeling: Emotional Design

Paul Weaver Paul Weaver, VP User Experience & Human Factors Research, Cerner. While all design elicits an emotion, how many people today can honestly say they design their solutions with the customer's feelings in mind? Paul discusses the principles of emotional design, both from his own experiences and learning at Nintendo, Ion Storm and Disney, […]

Developing a Better Patient Portal: Evaluating Portals Based on the Likelihood of Patient Use

Elizabeth Sprouse Julie Hollberg, MD Elizabeth Sprouse, Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health, Applied Public Health Informatics and Julie Hollberg MD, CMIO, Emory Healthcare. Elizabeth and Dr. Hollberg share the results of a research effort to develop a scorecard to arm healthcare leadership with the ability to strategically design and implement patient portals that patients […]

Achieving Clinical Effectiveness to Improve Healthcare Delivery and Outcomes

Denise Basow, MD, President and CEO of Clinical Effectiveness, Wolters Kluwer Health. Over the last several decades, clinical decision support solutions have demonstrated success in helping improve quality of care in the American healthcare system. But the need to "broaden that impact" has led professionals to consider a more holistic approach to decision support that […]

Optimizing Health IT: From the Chambers of Congress to the Frontlines of Care

Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD Julia Adler-Milstein, Director, Center for Clinical Informatics and Improvement Research, UCSF. Julie has spent the past decade studying the progress of electronic health information exchange (HIE) and EHR system interoperability in the U.S. She discusses the policy context and how federal policy efforts have sought to intervene to promote health information exchange. […]

Patient Centered Data Home – Connecting Data Across State Lines

Kelly Hoover Thompson Joe Walker Kelly Hoover Thompson, CEO, and Joe Walker, Sr. VP of Technology Services for MyHealth Access Network. The Patient Centered Data HomeTM (PCDH) is a national initiative to deliver a cost-effective, scalable method of exchanging patient data among health information exchanges (HIEs) to access real-time information across state and regional lines and […]

CMIO and CNIO Partnering for Clinical Transformation at HonorHealth

Mary Ann Turley, DO Kristin Gillen, RN, DNP, CNML Mary Ann Turley, DO, CMIO, and Kristin Gillen, RN, DNP, CNML, CNIO, HonorHealth. The dyad relationship between the CMIO and CNIO at HonorHealth was specifically designed to help the organization achieve its strategic vision through Clinical Transformation. Dr. Mary Ann Turley, as CMIO and Kris Gillen, as […]

Optimizing the EHR to Prevent Burnout and Obtain Better Outcomes

Brett Shillingstad, MD Rizwan Pasha, MD Michael J. Healey, MD Bret Shillingstad, MD, Executive Director/CMIO - EHR Optimization Services, Rizwan Pasha, MD, CMIO - EHR Services, Nuance Healthcare, and Michael J. Healey, MD, CMIO - Outpatient Services, Brigham Health. As healthcare transitions to value-based care, it becomes even more critical to effectively harness the full functionality available […]

2018 and Beyond – Technology Trends Transforming the Journey of Healthcare

Chris Shudes Michael Kleinmann Chris Shudes, Principal, and Michael Kleinmann, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting, LLP. In 2018 and beyond, health systems will continue to embrace emerging and exponential technologies as they respond to economic forces shaping the industry such as the affordability crisis, shifting demographics, government influence, and the growing impact of consumerism. While technologies such […]

Structure and Function of a High Performance Clinical Informatics Department at Eastern Maine

April Giard, DNP, APN, NEA-BC, VP & CNIO, Eastern Maine Healthcare System, and Angela R. Tiberio, MD, Physician Executive, Impact Advisors, LLC. If you've seen one Informatics Department you've seen one Informatics  Department! Several years ago, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems (EMHS) committed to establishing a dedicated, fully-staffed and system-wide Clinical Informatics Department. As healthcare informatics/technology now […]