Patient Engagement and Population Health at Kaiser Permanente

Scott Young, MD, Associate Executive Director Clinical Care and Innovation and the Care Management Institute at Kaiser Permanente, and Andrew Wiesenthal, MD, Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP.  Kaiser Permanente looks at patient engagement as a core component of population management and care for the chronically ill.  Kaiser Permanente's framework breaks this into three complementary approaches.  First, […]

Intermountain Healthcare Sets up Cybersecurity War Room

Karl J. West, CISO and Assistant Vice President, Intermountain Healthcare.  Karl has spent four years developing a Cybersecurity Operations Center.  He discusses the evolving threat landscape in healthcare and how and why to develop a Cybersecurity Operations Center.  The teleconference reviews the people, process, technology and cost challenges, along with the compelling message needed to […]

Powering an ACO, Analytics, and Technology Innovation with an HIE at Baystate

Joel Vengco, VP & CIO, Baystate Health.  Interoperability is extremely critical for the advancement of healthcare.  In fact, it is necessary for surviving in today's healthcare environment.  A health system can no longer simply rely on its physical locations for seeing and managing patients; rely on its EMR and Revenue Cycle systems for comprehensive information […]

Great Lakes Health Connect

Doug Dietzman, Executive Director, Great Lakes Health Connect.  GLHC has been implementing a sustainable community-based health information exchange across the state of Michigan since 2010 and now is one of the most mature in the country.  One of the communities GLHC serves is Flint Michigan where the lead-tainted water crisis has taken center stage nationally. […]

CIO Perspective – Improving the EHR by Pursuing Usability Science at Houston Methodist

Robert Eardley, CIO, Houston Methodist.  Millions have been invested in EHRs but are they intuitive enough for physicians, nurses and others to complete their everyday tasks easily?  In this teleconference, we'll explore the science of usability. Usability science systemically observes user interactions and gives guidance on changes that can improve the System Usability Score (SUS). […]

Clinical Integration: A Road Map to Accountable Care from DHG Healthcare

Josh Berlin, JD, Principal, DHG Healthcare, and Jacqueline Matthews, RN, MS, Senior Healthcare Transformation Director, IBM Watson Health.  Many health systems are pursuing options to form Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) in order to move from volume to value to help lower the cost of care and improve quality. It's critical that providers gain access to […]

Mercy Health Saves $50M by Standardizing Clinical and Medication Content

Wayne Bohenek, Vice President Clinical Support Services, and Susan Mashni, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Mercy Health.  Mercy Health has 23 acute care facilities and over 2000 ambulatory providers live on a single instance of Epic.  Standardization of both clinical content and medication formulary within the electronic healthcare record has resulted in over $50 million in cost […]

Taking a Business Approach to Cybersecurity at Henry Ford Health System

John Fowler, Deputy Information Security Officer, Henry Ford Health System. Today, security is in the forefront of everyone's mind; however, mostly for the wrong reasons. Organizations are too focused on regulatory requirements and the "what if" or "what did happen" as reported in the press. As such, security is seen as a necessary evil or […]

DIRECT Email vs Direct Email – Year One of DIRECT Messaging at VCU

Terry Lockhart, HIM Informaticist, Health Information Management, and Charissa Augustine MHA, RN, BSN, BCS, Clinical Application Analyst, Information Systems Dept., VCU Health.  In theory, DIRECT messaging holds much promise to be exactly what we need for improving inter-facility patient related communication.  But in practice, its turned out to be more difficult than expected and slower […]

CDS Malfunctions: Causes, Detection and Prevention

Adam Wright, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Senior Scientist, Brigham and Women's Hospital. Clinical decision support (CDS) systems, when effectively designed and used, are powerful tools for improving the quality and safety of healthcare but can be complex to develop and maintain. Dr. Wright presents research, funded by the National Library of […]

Pop Health: Leveraging Technology to Drive Prevention at Mercy Health

Erin Fries, MD, Chief Clinical Officer, Mercy Health, Tarah Knaresboro, VUI Design Manager, and Samuel Moore, Client Services Manager, Emmi.  Managing a population's health means more than helping people when they're ill - it means driving behaviors that will keep them healthy. But the resources required to do this effectively are often costly and in […]

Leveraging MACRA to Improve Revenue Cycle and Clinical Integration

Scott Pillittere, VP, Impact Advisors and Henry Stokman, Principal, Impact Advisors. As 2017 quickly approaches, the new MACRA rules will start to take full effect.  As value based reimbursement ramps up through 2020, it is going to become increasingly important for hospital executives to manage their patient populations and reimbursement through data in order to […]

Global EMR Adoption, Performance and Usability 2016

Jeremy Goff, International Research Director, KLAS, shares key insights from KLAS' newly published report, "Global EMR Adoption and Performance 2016." Jeremy will be discussing how global EMR vendors are performing in areas such as sales and contracting, usability, technology, and support. Additionally, he will explore the ways in which EMR adoption varies for providers in […]

We Have a Long Way to Go Yet on Patient Safety Says Gandhi, National Patient Safety Foundation

Tejal Gandhi, President and CEO, National Patient Safety Foundation. In 1999 the Institute of Medicine published their seminal report "To Err is Human," but more than fifteen years later, patient safety concerns remain a serious public health issue. In February 2015 the National Patient Safety Foundation convened an expert panel to assess the state of […]

Our Journey through Readmissions from the Patient Perspective at UCLA Health, Part II

Nasim Afsar, MD, SFHM, Associate CMO and Assistant Clinical Professor, and Erin Dowling, MD, Medical Director of Readmission Reduction Initiative, Department of Medicine, UCLA Hospitals. The Department of Medicine at UCLA Health has conducted multiple studies approaching hospital readmissions from the patient perspective. In this follow-up conference to part one, Drs. Afsar and Dowling briefly […]