SI 2015 CIO Spring Summit

"Healthcare IT Optimization" Health Data Management publishes a SLIDESHOW with seven takeaways from the summit. CIOs of thirteen leading healthcare organizations convened in April 2015 during the annual Scottsdale Institute Spring Conference to discuss Healthcare IT Optimization. Read the report that highlights challenges faced by CIOs related to optimization and suggests strategies to maximize success, and see the Modern Healthcare review. This report […]

Creating the Enterprise Analytics Roadmap at the University of Michigan Health System

Andrew Rosenberg, MD, CMIO, University of Michigan Health System, and Mike Brooks, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting, LLC. As information and data capabilities rapidly expand in healthcare, balancing enterprise and analytics projects through coordinated data management and architecture becomes increasingly important. Whether it is quality-based reporting, financial modeling, or Big-Data projects such as personalized health and […]

Ascension Software Asset and License Management

Mark Smodic, Lead - Software License Management (SLM), Ascension Information Services (AIS), Ascension Health. The SLM team is driving the maturation of software asset management processes and services through a number of project initiatives. This presentation describes the tight partnership with the IT legal and contracting services at Ascension and the automated compliance reporting, quality […]

Work in Progress at Advocate: The Evolving ACO Model

Mike Englehart, President, Advocate Physician Partners. Mike explores the ways the accountable-care model is growing and changing, whether through federal ACO programs or through agreements with commercial insurers. Participants will learn about the growth of ACO arrangements and what is known so far about the potential for improved clinical and financial performance.

i2b2: The Tip of the Iceberg at Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Tom Abendroth, MD, Chief of Medical Informatics, Penn State Hershey Medical Center and College of Medicine. Is your user community seeking increased access to EMR data to support quality improvement projects and clinical research? Can you meet this growing demand? i2b2 can be a useful starting point for expanding end-user access to de-identified patient care […]

Interoperability: Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative

Dick Thompson, President & CEO, Quality Health Network and Board Chair of the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC), and Robert Steffel, Executive Director. The growing SHIEC membership is comprised of C-Suite HIE executives from throughout the country.  This HIE trade association provides its members with the ability to gain economies of scale without losing […]

Cedars-Sinai on HIMSS EMR Stage 7

Tess Settergren, MHA, MA, RN-BC, Director of Nursing Informatics, Cedars-Sinai Health System.Less than 3.5% of US hospitals have achieved HIMSS EMRAM Stage 7 status since 2006, and the bar is raised a bit more every year.  Clinician adoption of 'paperless' charts, order entry, and documentation is insufficient to meet Stage 7: Clinical decision support, continuum […]

Successful Transition to Population Health

Bob Williams, MD, MIS, Director, and Mark Snyder, MD, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting, LLP.  Drs. Williams and Snyder discuss the rationale for and keys to success of population management programs.  With the increase in prevalence of costly chronic conditions, and new payment models that transfer risk to provider organizations based on their performance, it is […]

A Better Approach to IT Optimization for the Current Environment

Steven Schlossberg, MD/MBA, VP and CMO, and Mamie Stalvey, RN, Principal, Impact Advisors. An IT "Optimization Continuum" will continue to exist from simple break-fixes to large corporate initiatives. However, to improve optimization efforts, they need to be broken down to discrete high-value efforts that can be readily achieved, communicated and produce value for the organization. […]

Enterprise Change Management at Ascension Health IT

Kevin Hintz, Process Owner Change Management, Ascension Information Services (AIS) IT Service Management Office (ITSMO).  The ITSMO is leading the redesign of IT service delivery and maturation of IT service management processes through a number of project initiatives. The maturation of change management processes is one of the key areas of focus for the ITSMO, […]

Strategies for Complete Care Team Communications and Alerting Intelligence

Brian Jacobs, MD, VP, CMIO and CIO, Executive Director, Center for Pediatric Informatics & The Children's IQ Network, Children's National Medical Center.  Communication failures and alarm fatigue have topped the ECRI Institute's health technology hazards list for three consecutive years. Antiquated technologies and limitations within existing processes can cause communication breakdowns, and the overabundance of […]

Conclusions and Recommendations on Cybersecurity

Mac McMillan, FHIMSS/CISM, Chairman & CEO, CynergisTek, Inc. Cybersecurity threats continue to plague the healthcare industry and new threats emerge daily. Is your organization prepared to identify and mitigate these risks? The first step toward minimizing the chances that your organization will experience an attack is providing education to foster awareness of potential threats. This […]

Results from Embedding Choosing Wisely into the EMR at Cedars Sinai

Scott Weingarten, MD, SVP, Chief Clinical Transformation Officer, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. Organizations are seeking clinical benefit and an ROI from their investment in an EHR.  Cedars-Sinai "hard wired" Choosing Wisely and other clinical decision support into its EHR about 18 months ago. The impact has been numerous improvements in quality of care and an approximate […]

Journey Towards Automated Data Abstraction of CMS Core Measures at NewYork-Presbyterian

Scott W. Possley, PA-C, MPAS, Director of Quality & Patient Safety, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.  With the ever-increasing requirements for data submission to state and federal agencies, as well as voluntary registries and databases, NYP embarked on a successful and collaborative data automation project partnering with clinical and IT staff to automate manual data collection, starting with […]

Real-world Interoperability: The Problem is not the Standards

Wes Rishel, Retired Health IT Nerd (founder and past chair of HL7, and six-year member of Health IT Standards Committee). Health IT standards are simultaneously the magic bullet and whipping boy of interoperability. Standards will never make interoperability easy although they can help make it possible. Wes discusses the underlying issues of trust, regulation, curation […]