The Impact of the 2012 Election: What to Anticipate in 2013

Paul Keckley, PhD, Executive Director, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Dr. Keckley provides his insight into what's on the post-election horizon, as well as implications of the fiscal cliff to providers and healthcare organizations.

Privacy and Security Outlook for 2013

Mac McMillan, co-founder and CEO of CynergisTek, Inc., and current Chair of the HIMSS Privacy & Security Policy Task Force. Mac provides an overview and analysis of the key issues that could impact the healthcare industry in 2013. Doing a chronological analysis of events from security breaches to new rules to enforcement actions to lessons […]

Where Ethics, Economics and Effectiveness Intertwine: A New Look at Person-Centered Care

Michael Millenson, President, Health Quality Advisors, LLC, and adjunct faculty at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Terms like person-centered care, patient-centered care and medical consumerism are often used interchangeably. But the way individuals interact with the healthcare system is very different when they're a patient, a consumer or a clinical partner. For […]

Wireless Connectivity Between Smart Pumps and Millennium

Bobbie Carroll, and Sarah Giga, Children's Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota. Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota implemented a comprehensive bar code medication administration (BCMA) for all medications. Using BCMA for "pills, shots, drops, and IV medications" to validate 5-rights is not new. The innovation Bobbie and Sarah discuss is going to the next level […]

Using Technology to Reinforce Cybersecurity at Intermountain Healthcare

Jared Rhoads, Senior Research Specialist, CSC, and Karl West, Chief Information Security Officer, Intermountain Healthcare. Vulnerabilities with mobile devices, portable media, and medical devices give cybercriminals the opportunity to commit financial theft, identity theft or cause malicious damage to equipment. To protect patient information and ensure safety, organizations need to take decisive action. Jared and […]

The National Quality Forum eMeasures Collaborative

Rosemary Kennedy, VP, Juliet Rubini, Senior Project Manager, and Beth Franklin, RN, MS, Senior Director, Health Information Technology, National Quality Forum. Rosemary, Juliet and Beth discuss the eMeasure Collaborative project, a public initiative bringing together stakeholders to advance knowledge and promote best practices surrounding development and implementation of electronic quality performance measures. The Quality Data […]

The Future of Data Exchange: HIE and Direct

John Stanley, MBA, Principal, Impact Advisors. Meaningful Use and Accountable Care programs call for increased capacities for secure exchange of clinical and operational information between different settings and providers of services to drive increased efficiency and improved outcomes. Many HIE solutions have been developed to address this exchange, but the Direct Project has quickly emerged […]

Project Prioritization Methods

John Kocon, Vice President, Enterprise Program Management Office, Catholic Health Initiatives (moderator), Joel Verinder, PMP, Director, Portfolio Management Office, Texas Health Resources, Johnathan Nielsen, Senior Director, Programs & Projects Management Office, Dignity Health, and Ramon Martinez, Director, Project Management Office, BayCare Health System. This interactive discussion focuses on sharing existing practices to prioritize complex project […]

The Challenge of Clinical Data Integration

Michael Kamerick, Specialist Leader, and Aaron Abend, Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Success in the accountable care world requires analytics that are fundamentally different than those used to succeed in the fee-for-service world. Integrating data to provide these analytical views requires the combination of data through a technical framework and institutional governance. Michael and Aaron describe […]

The Role of Information in Managing Healthcare Delivery

Dan Carmel, Head of Enterprise Content Management Strategy and Solutions at Autonomy, an HP company. Dan describes and provides case studies of how organizations can augment electronic health records with a searchable, patient-centric view of all unstructured information, and automate content centric processes such as admissions, case management, remediation of insurance claims, clinical trials, satisfaction […]

Developing and Implementing a Cloud-based SIRS Alert

Chris DeFlitch, MD, CMIO, Vice-Chair, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Co-Founder, CIHDS (Penn State Center for Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems), and Matthew Loser, Lead Analyst, Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Penn State Hershey Medical Center worked with Cerner to help develop and test their "cloud" solution to send alerts to staff warning of patients with potential […]

Business Intelligence: Influencing Change?

Joe Van De Graaff, Research Director, Business Intelligence, KLAS. With each passing day business intelligence (BI) becomes more important in healthcare. Join Joe for a discussion about BI to learn about vendor performance, recent BI projects, and the influence of BI in healthcare.

Patient Registries and Analytics – Ministry Saint Josephs Hospital

Andrew Weier, Director of Quality Analysis and Decision Support, Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital. Tracking patients across the continuum of care is complex, and is more difficult when the care crosses organizations. Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital has worked with Marshfield Clinic to assure high quality of transparent care for decades. Andrew reviews internally developed registries to […]

The IOM Report: Best Care at Lower Cost

Jim Conway, Principal, Pascal Metrics and Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard School of Public Health, and David Classen, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Utah and CMIO, Pascal Metrics. In September 2012, the IOM Committee on the Learning Health Care System in America released the product of its deliberations with the report "Best […]

Clinical Intelligence – How Do We Get There From Here

Richard Gibson, MD, Chief Healthcare Intelligence Officer, Providence Health & Services, and Dale Sanders, Senior VP, Healthcare Quality Catalyst, provide an overview of the two organizations' partnership to deliver the data warehousing technology, data visualization, and framework for data exploitation to support the Providence mission of improving quality, increasing access, and reducing the cost of […]