ONC Online Guide: Unintended Consequences of EHRs

Michael I. Harrison, PhD, Sr. Social Scientist, Organizations & Systems Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Spencer S. Jones, PhD, Associate Information Scientist at the RAND Corporation. The AHRQ "Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Records", available at , is an online resource providing practical, troubleshooting […]

Meaningful Use Reporting: Maximizing Utility, Efficiency, and Engagement

Sean Gaskie, MD, Physician Director, Sutter Health, and Laura Kreofsky, Impact Advisors and Program Director for Sutter Health's Meaningful Use Program. Dr. Gaskie and Laura describe the approach taken to ensuring maximum value and utility in the organization's Meaningful Use reporting toolset - including the reports from Epic and those internally developed. With a focus […]

Business Intelligence: A Wave is Coming

Joe Van De Graaff, Research Director, Business Intelligence, KLAS. More than half of the providers KLAS recently spoke with said that they plan to replace or purchase a business intelligence (BI) solution. A wide variety of vendors offer tools to collect, aggregate, and report data -leaving many providers wondering which vendor tools provide predictive analytics, […]

Innovative Approaches to Sepsis at The University of Kansas Hospital

Steven Simpson, MD, and Amanda Gartner, RN, The University of Kansas Hospital, and Bryan Eckert, Healthcare Group, CSC. The University of Kansas Hospital (KUMED) has made great strides in improving outcomes for sepsis patients using an "early warning system" supported by seasoned critical care nurses acting as a special team of clinical surveillance and triage […]

Impacts from the Election

Paul Keckley, Ph.D., Executive Director, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Dr. Keckley examines the Affordable Care Act's implementation status, what to expect regarding the 2012 elections, why the lame duck session is not so lame, and what to watch for in 2013.

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 46: Revenue Cycle Transformation

Tim Reiner, VP Revenue Management, Adventist Health System. Second only to Meaningful Use, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is essential. About 60% of Registration and Patient Accounting applications were purchased prior to 1999, and HIMSS estimates 40% will replace RCM solutions in next 4-5 years. Your current EMR supplier will have a high impact on the […]

Bundled Payment Strategy Development: Incorporating Physician Variation Insights

David Jackson, Senior Consulting Manager, Analytic Consulting and Research Services, Truven Health Analytics, formerly the Healthcare Business of Thomson Reuters. Building on the momentum created by PPACA legislation and commercial market payment innovation, new tactics for bundled payment are beginning to gain traction. David describes approaches used to support health systems in developing a bundled […]

Leadership Lessons of Kilimanjaro

Ed Marx, SVP and CIO, and Elizabeth Ransom, MD, Chief Clinical Leader - North Zone, Texas Health Resources. After scaling smaller mountains, a team of officers and doctors at Texas Health Resources fixed their eyes on summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro. The planning progressed, and this seed of an idea grew into a mission that would encompass […]

New Clinician Orientation: How to Move EMR Training out of the Classroom

Karen Broz, EMR Training Team Coordinator, and Elaine Hinton, EMT Staff Development Coordinator, University of Missouri Health. Karen and Elaine discuss how they have changed traditional nurse and resident physician onboarding models to accommodate the realities of today's EMR-enabled world. Learn how they reduced the total amount of time to get the clinician to the […]

Advancing PMO Value in Healthcare

John A. Kocon, PMP, Vice President, Enterprise Program Management Office, Catholic Health Initiatives. CHI's journey to improve project performance began four years ago with the implementation of an IT-focused Project Management Office. Based on the value received from IT PMO services, business demand grew, which resulted in expanding services to support strategic priorities across the […]

Code Explosion: Leveraging Computer-Assisted Coding

Lorri Luciano, RHIA, Manager, HIM Product Hospital Specialist, OptumInsight. Lorri provides a detailed discussion of ICD-10 and coding; how this impacts hospitals and what you should be thinking about. She shares her experience in helping hospitals implement computerized-assisted coding (CAC), the benefits these hospitals have seen, as well as information from other hospitals adopting CAC […]

Postdigital Healthcare: Mobile Apps for Care and Collaboration with Patients

Rajeev Ronanki, Director, and Quinn Solomon, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting. Mobile Applications have been rising as a technology allowing patients to better understand and manage their health, as well as being effective tools for care professionals to handle their day-to-day work. Yet, mobility can also be an effective enabler of new strategies as part of […]

Analytics Tools for ACO

Shawn Griffin, MD, Chief Quality and Informatics Officer for MHMD - Memorial Hermann Physician Network. Dr. Griffin reviews the multiple new analytics tools being utilized by Memorial Hermann's Medicare Shared Savings ACO to track performance metrics, manage population health, and support ambulatory care management. He also discusses both claims-based analytics and EMR based "middleware" for […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 47: Patient Portal

David Voran, MD, Medical Director, Heartland Health. Heartland Health quietly turned on Cerner's patient portal in 2007 and after several years of piloting it in one clinic, has now expanded it throughout it's entire network. The primary benefit has been to provide patients with secure communication directly with their providers. Patients also have access to […]

Trinity Health: MU Progress Toward Stage 2

Carla Robelli, Vice President, PMO, and Tauana McDonald, Vice President, Integration Services, Trinity Health. In 2011, Trinity Health attested for over 25 hospitals as early adopters of Meaningful Use Stage 1 and subsequently plan on early attestation regarding Stage 2. Trinity has established ongoing governance and developed a comprehensive plan to prepare for the new […]