Hospitals as Employers: Developing a Culture of Health

William G. Bithoney, MD, National Medical Leader, Thomson Reuters Healthcare, and former interim president and CEO, COO and CMO at Sisters of Providence Health System/Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, MA. Hospital employees are at higher risk for illness than other workers. They utilize 18% more hospital days and have 22% more ED visits. Overall they incur […]

The Complex and Critical Role of BioMed

Rich Pollack, MS CPHIMS, FHIMSS, VP and CIO, Harold Harris, Manager of Service Delivery, and Jamie Trull, Lead Nurse Informaticist, VCU Health System. While not under IT at VCU, BioMed is playing an increasingly complex but critical role in bedside data integration. In an effort to bring some sanity to this complexity, three-party SLAs were […]

Meaningful Use Attestation 2012: Early Birds Take Flight

Colin Buckley, Strategic Operations Manager, KLAS, Orem, Utah. Meaningful use is one of the most focused-on initiatives currently in American healthcare. As of November 2011, 833 (or roughly 14%) of U.S. hospitals have attested to meeting Stage 1 requirements, with many more lining up to follow. CMS data shows that both large and small hospital […]

Comparative Effectiveness Research in the U.S.: Update and Implications

Marianne Laouri, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Marianne focuses on definitions of Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) and its drivers in the current health care marketplace. She addresses when and how life sciences can engage in CER and comparative evidence generation to inform their business questions and develop competitive advantages. Resource requirements and communication of CE […]

Ten Things to Help Ensure Success in Negotiating IT Consulting Agreements

Ray R. Bonnabeau, Attorney at Law, Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC. IT consulting agreements govern a wide variety of engagements, from development efforts to project management and staff augmentation. The issues within IT consulting agreements are equally varied as well, spanning from ownership, rights to use, payment terms, residual clauses and termination rights. Learn what to […]

CDS Consortium Overview

Blackford Middleton, MD, MPH, MSc, Clinical Informatics Research and Development, Partners HealthCare System, Inc. Clinical decision support (CDS) has proved to be a powerful tool for improving the quality of patient care and reducing healthcare expenses, but currently has opposing evidence suggesting the occurrence of unintended consequences and potential new medical errors when not properly […]

Preparing for Accountable Care: Building Capability and Engaging Patients

Jordan Battani, Managing Director, CSC. Accountable care, so closely linked with healthcare reform efforts, is a method for organizing and delivering healthcare that empowers providers and holds them accountable for patient healthcare outcomes and financial constraints results. Accountable care expectations are taking hold across the healthcare industry - and developing accountable care capabilities is emerging […]

Computer-Assisted Coding: The Next Big Thing

Graham Triggs, Senior Research Director, KLAS, Orem, UT. Graham shares recent findings collected from healthcare providers about computer assisted coding (CAC). This presentation delves into the reasons providers are choosing a CAC system, examines the key issues they face, delineates the vendors that are being considered to meet coding needs, and explains the perceived strengths […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 43: Medication Reconciliation at Spectrum Health

Marti Slot, and Peter Lundeen, MD, Physician Solutions Architect, Technology and Information Solutions, Spectrum Health. Marti and Dr. Lundeen discuss lessons learned from their medication reconciliation journey, including the critical roles of pharmacy technicians, completely mapping out the complete medication history/medication reconciliation process from beginning to end for each unique transition of care, training and […]

Surveillance: Optimizing Performance to Meet Infection Prevention and ADE Compliance

Tina Moen, PharmD, Chief Clinical Officer, Clinicians, Thomson Reuters Healthcare. Surveillance and reporting of clinical data for Infection prevention (IP) and Adverse Drug Event (ADE) intervention can represent a significant and ongoing resource drain on clinical and IT staff. And, with Stage 2 Meaningful Use criteria recommending that evidence-based Clinical Decision Support (CDS) be available […]

Empowering Reform with Analytics

Asif Dhar, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Asif discusses the use of data analytics to enable healthcare reform. Focusing on trends within the industry, he also discusses lessons learned in leveraging analytics, and providing a general overview of the analytics landscape.

Software Licensing Agreement Recommendations

Ray R. Bonnabeau, Attorney at Law, Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC. Ray examines a number of licensee challenges in software licensing agreements. Ten key software license agreement areas are discussed, with a focus on what to do and what not to do in each area. From getting the license right, to obtaining meaningful acceptance testing and […]

Preventing Readmissions: The First Test Case for Continuity of Care

Jane Metzger, Research Principal in Emerging Practices, CSC. Preventing readmissions is turning out to be the first real test case for continuity of care since capitation put a dollar value on it in the 1990's. This presentation provides an overview of the research base concerning what works, the current state of the practice for hospitals, […]

MU 2014 Standards: A Big Jump?

Virginia Lorenzi, Manager, HIT Standards and Collaborations, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, and Associate, Columbia Department of Biomedical Informatics. This timely discussion focuses on standards adoption as Washington finalizes regulations, and providers and vendors roll up their sleeves preparing for the next leg of the meaningful use journey. Survey findings are presented and discussed with the goal of […]