SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 40: Meaningful Use Update

Denney Hunter, Sr. Engagement Leader, Cerner Corporation. Denney discusses the draft rule for Stage 2, changes from the proposal from the HIT policy committee and Cerner’s strategy in helping health care organizations in meeting the requirements. If the rule is not out, the discussion will focus on the status of Stage 1, and new clarifications.

Clinical Decision Support 2011: Understanding the Impact

Coray Tate, VP Clinical Research, and Colin Buckley, Clinical Strategic Operations Manager, KLAS, Orem, UT, share findings from a recent study on clinical decision support (CDS). Many providers are leveraging information technology at a higher level to manage patient care and improve the quality of care, especially in light of recent healthcare reform. Stage 1 […]

Centura and Colorado HIE

Dana Moore, SVP/CIO, Centura Health. Dana talks about the history of HIE in Colorado and Centura's journey with CORHIO. The discussion includes sustainability of CORHIO and how Centura and other Colorado CIOs were able to partner to make CORHIO a reality.

Meaningful Use Stage 2 and Beyond

Erica Drazen, Managing Director for Emerging Practices, CSC, discusses the NPRM for Meaningful Use Stage 2, changes from the proposal by the HIT Policy Committee, and challenges in meeting the requirements. A summary document is included and is also posted on our home page.

Meaningful Use – Stage 2

Eric Finocchiaro, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP and Harry Greenspun, MD, senior advisor for health care transformation and technology at the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. A review of the the Meaningful Use Proposed Rule for Stage 2 as well as the companion regulations which establish the standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria to ensure […]

How to Create a Care Coordination Team Using Spare Parts

Lyle Berkowitz, MD, FACP, Medical Director, IT & Innovation, Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group. Dr. Berkowitz discusses a primary care group's innovative model of care coordination that uses basic EMR functionality and low cost staff to improve quality, access, efficiency and financial performance. See how they leveraged an EMR's basic functionality of messaging and centralized chart […]

More on Stage 2: Quality, Standards and Certification

Erica Drazen, Managing Director for Emerging Practices, CSC. While the focus is on NPRM from CMS for Stage 2 of Meaningful Use, in the accompanying NPRM from ONC there are new standards for data and security and important changes to certification that provide more flexibility for systems certification.

Spending Trends Relevant for Successful ACOs

William D. Marder, SVP Analytic Consulting and Research Services, Thomson Reuters, describes an analytical approach to understanding spending trends across areas that impact accountable care organizations. Bill highlights how the degree of illness in a population, combined with the geographic variation in the number of commercially insured, can create a financial burden for providers. He […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 41: Seek and You Will Find: NLP and Chart Search

Karl M. Kochendorfer, MD, FAAFP, Assistant Professor of Clinical Family and Community Medicine at the University of Missouri's School of Medicine, Director of Clinical Informatics in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, and Adjunct faculty member of the MU Informatics Institute and the Department of Health Management and Informatics. This session provides an update […]

A Successful Micro ACO as Model for Reform

William G. Bithoney, MD, National Medical Leader, Thomson Reuters Healthcare, and former interim president and CEO, COO and CMO at Sisters of Providence Health System/Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, MA, discusses his team's work in managing a full risk Medicare Advantage Accountable Care Organization. This work resulted in marked decreases in hospital admissions (from 380/1000 per […]

Downtime Procedure Survey Results

Dean F. Sittig, PhD, and Daniel A. Gonzalez Carrero, University of Texas - Memorial Hermann Center for Healthcare Quality & Safety. A recent report by the Institute of Medicine, "Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care" recommends that healthcare organizations have contingency plans in place to mitigate any potential issues related […]

Specific IT Requirements of ACOs

Patrick Rossignol, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Patrick summarizes the IT capability needed to support an ACO, making a distinction between core/base capabilities and advanced ones. He outlines known IT issues/current limitations, and some remediation strategies. He also defines a phased ACO IT deployment model and high-level budget projections.

Evolution of a Mature PMO

Rich Pollack, MS CPHIMS, FHIMSS, VP and CIO, Sallie Lewis, PMO Director, and Jack Koller, Sr. Project Manager, VCU Health System. Rich and Sallie discuss VCU's evolution of a mature and effective PMO that began five years ago as a complement to a longstanding and solid IT governance. They describe the embedded prioritization part of […]

Aligning Meaningful Use with Healthcare Reform

Jane Metzger, Research Principal in Emerging Practices, CSC. Between the demands of health reform, payment reforms and the meaningful use requirements of the HITECH act, there's no shortage of resource-intensive, mission critical initiatives facing health care organizations. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that pursuing them separately will result in duplicated work and […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 42: Adventist Health System CDS Update

Philip A. Smith, MD, VP, Chief Medical Information Officer, and Matthew Lord, Pharm.D., PharmNet Application Manager, Adventist Health System and AHS Information Services. AHS worked with Cerner in 2011 to develop mCDS, a new offering for filtering and enhancing Multum alerts. Dr. Smith and Matthew discuss the mCDS journey and how it has transformed clinical […]