SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 37: Preparing for Accountable Care

Joe Boyce, MD, CIO and CMIO, Heartland Health. This presentation discusses ACO development to provide point of care information to providers in support of accountable care, including chronic disease management with Mpages, care manager integration, and enterprise data warehouses integrating claims, clinical and HIE data.

CDS for Performance Improvement Collaborative: Pilot Status Review Call

Jerome A. Osheroff, MD, FACP, FACMI, TMIT Consulting, LLC. This Collaborative has been formed to enhance the speed and success with which participating care delivery organizations deploy clinical decision support to address performance improvement imperatives. Nine care delivery organizations are documenting and sharing their target-focused CDS strategies as part of a 6-month pilot project (October […]

EMR: Benefits Realization

Tim Smith, Principal, and Sarah Danielson, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Tim and Sarah discuss some common areas for benefits realization categories that have been targeted with EMR implementations, and where organizations often struggle to achieve planned benefits. With all of the recent EMR design and deployment priorities associated with Health Reform, including Meaningful Use, […]

University of Missouri Health Case Study: Rapid Deployment and Adoption

Joanne Burns, RN, MPA, Vice President & Chief Information Officer, and Anita Larsen, Chief Nurse Executive, University of Missouri Health. Joanne and Anita articulate the strategies and techniques utilized at the University of Missouri Health Care to execute on a plan for rapid deployment and adoption of technology to support CPOE, Bedside Barcode Administration, ePrescribing, […]

Meaningful Use: Status, Conclusions, and Next Steps

Erica Drazen, Managing Director for Emerging Practices, CSC. Year 2011 of meaningful use is now over for hospitals and nearly over for eligible providers. This presentation discusses what happened in 2011: How many registered, attested, got money; where the states are in readiness to distribute Medicaid money; what menu items were met/skipped; and what important […]

Data and Analytics for Bundled Payments

Bob Kelley, SVP Healthcare Analytics, Thomson Reuters. This presentation describes an analytical approach to understanding and developing effective payment bundles. Bob highlights the challenges and importance of analytics and an objective, quantitative view in creating and pricing acute care bundles, and explores the additional complexity of chronic care bundles. Using specific examples, he walks through […]

KLAS Reveals the Top-Performing HIT Vendors of 2011

Jason Hess, EVP of Sales & Strategy, and Mike Smith, General Manager of Professional Services and Financial Research, KLAS, Orem, UT. As meaningful use, health information exchange (HIE), ICD-10 and accountable care organization requirements continue to cloud the future of the healthcare IT industry, picking the right IT vendor partners is more important than ever. […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 38: Integration of Cerner Inpatient and Epic Outpatient

David Liebovitz, MD, CMIO, Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation and Medical Director of Clinical Information Systems, Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Many medical centers must learn to optimize workflow in a diverse EHR environment. This presentation highlights steps taken at Northwestern to improve the safety of care transitions and improve the efficiency of everyday practice using Cerner inpatient […]

Technology Tools to Facilitate the ICD-10 Transition

Tom Foley, Principal, and Brian Lee, Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP. With the CMS mandate for the adoption of the ICD-10 code set, healthcare provider organizations face many challenges including decreases in coder productivity and decision support processes. Many automated tools such as Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) and "cross walk" applications are available to assist with […]

SI-Cerner Users Collaborative No. 39: Memorial Hermann HIE

Robert Weeks, Director, Information Systems Division, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System. Memorial Hermann is a leading provider of healthcare in Houston with a strong tradition of enabling exchange of clinical information. With early initiatives focused on enabling affiliated physicians to have electronic access to lab results, radiology reports and other data, Memorial Hermann partnered with Cerner […]

ACOs and Population Health: The AMGA Anceta Data-Driven Learning Community

Donald W. Fisher, PhD, CAE, President and CEO, American Medical Group Association, and John K. Cuddeback, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Anceta. In parallel with its advocacy for the ACO concept over the past decade, AMGA has brought medical groups together to learn what works (and what doesn't) in redesigning the delivery system to […]

The New IOM Report on HIT and Patient Safety: Safer Systems, Better Care

David Classen, MD, Vice President, CSC, and Associate Professor of Medicine Infectious Diseases, University of Utah. Dr. Classen reviews the November 2011 IOM report on HIT and Patient Safety, summarizing highlights of the report and emphasizing the recommendations that have a great impact on vendors and healthcare organizations.

Putting the Meaningful in Meaningful Use

Eric Finocchiaro, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Eric Finocchiaro, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP. Eric discusses Meaningful Use through the lens of clinician adoption and clinical workflow. He reviews lessons learned and best practices for driving change to achieve Meaningful Use. Eric also highlights how a focus on adoption and clinical workflow has enabled organizations […]

Research in Ambulatory Patient Safety 2000-2010: A 10-Year Review

Erica Drazen, Managing Director, and Caitlin Lorincz, Research Analyst, Emerging Practices, CSC. Since the first IOM report on errors in care was published there have been many efforts to improve safety of inpatient care. But what about the ambulatory setting - where more care is delivered? We cover the findings of a review of ambulatory […]