KLAS Reveals the Top-Performing HIT Vendors of 2009

Adam Gale, President, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. As a still-struggling economy and looming meaningful use requirements continue to cloud the future of the healthcare IT industry, picking the right IT vendor partners is more important than ever. Join KLAS CEO Adam Gale for a discussion of the top-performing vendors of 2009 to learn which healthcare […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 19: Physician Documentation – Problem List and Diagnoses

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators. A detailed discussion of implementing and supporting Problem List and Diagnosis, including implementation best practices and challenges, training issues, governance and maintenance, use of standardized terminology, reconciling inpatient and outpatient and sharing with outpatient EMRs, […]

NextGen No. 3: NextGen Insights by KLAS

Mark Wagner, Director of Ambulatory Research, and Katie Wood, Research Manager, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. Jason and Katie provide up to the minute findings from their recent survey of ambulatory EMR vendors regarding NextGen's preparations for meeting Meaningful Use and other critical goals and functionality. Presentation and audio recording links available upon request. Contact the […]

HHS/ONC HIT Policy Committee Update

Marc Probst, CIO, Intermountain HealthCare and HIT Policy Committee Member, Office of the National Coordinator for HIT, Department of Health and Human Services, discusses the latest information and efforts of the HIT Policy Committee. Although the rules on Meaningful Use and Certification are still being developed by HHS and CMS, the HIT Policy Committee has […]

Reducing Waste in Healthcare: Impact of IT

Bob Kelley, Vice President, Healthcare Analytics, Thomson Reuters. This session will provide an objective look at the savings potential in the U.S. healthcare system based on findings from a recent Thomson Reuters white paper. Learn the different independent component categories of waste, as well as supporting details from published research studies, expert opinion and other […]

Growing Market for Anesthesia Information Systems

Jason Hess, General Manager, Clinical Research, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. Because of the complex, demanding and unique nature of the operating room, the surgery department - and anesthesia specifically - it has often been resistant to electronic automation. Yet early adopters of anesthesia information systems (AIS) are recognizing noteworthy benefits, including better patient care, a […]

A Bridge to CPOE: Meeting Meaningful Use and Evidence-Based Order Sets

Jeffrey S. Rose, MD, VP Clinical Excellence, Informatics, Ascension Health, and Alan Snell, MD, MMM, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, St. Vincent Health. With Meaningful Use criteria established, the question for healthcare organizations is how to find methods of delivering evidence-based content and provider order sets prior to a CPOE activation. Learn how St. Vincent Health, […]

Meeting Meaningful Use: Recommendations from HITSP Chair, John Halamka, MD

John Halamka, MD, CIO at Care Group and Chair of Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel and Gregory J. DeBor, Client Partner, Health Delivery, CSC. Based on the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) published for meaningful use, Dr. Halamka and Greg discuss the latest changes in the requirements, the biggest challenges that organizations will face […]

ED EMR Deployment and Culture Change: Success Factors and Lessons Learned at Advocate HealthCare

Douglas A. Propp, MD, MS, FACEP, FACPE, Medical Director/Department Chair, Emergency Dept. and Medical Director Clinical Informatics, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. Dr. Propp describes guiding principles and tactics for "non-incremental culture change" to occur in the context of ED automation. Measured results in satisfaction, safety, quality and efficiency are discussed, as well as unexpected challenges, […]

New Facility Technology Planning at Palomar Pomerado Health

Steven Tanaka, CIO, Palomar Pomerado Health, and Todd Hollowell, Vice President, Impact Advisors, describe emerging trends, best practices, and unforeseen challenges in New Facility Technology Planning, using Palomar Pomerado Health's expansion and new facility programs as a real-time case study. They discuss how marrying traditional facility planning methodology with advanced and emerging technology planning and […]

Health Information Exchanges: Separating Fact from Fiction

Jason Hess, General Manager, Clinical Research, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. With the advent of meaningful use requirements and the prospect of a Nationwide Health Information Network, interest in health information exchange (HIE) solutions is high. But while marketing by vendors would have provider organizations believe that there are plentiful examples of successful HIE organizations built […]

IT Service Quality, Delivered Meaningfully: Part Two

Mike Wilson, Senior IT Director, Clinical Information Systems, Compuware. Join Mike as he continues his series on IT Service Quality. He provides specific examples of how effective monitoring of clinical systems can help accurately measure hospital and physician compliance to the Meaningful Use guidelines. If you missed Part One, you can view the on-demand version […]

Shared Services within Healthcare Providers

Tom Foley, Principal, and Christine Armstrong, Principal, Deloitte Consulting, LLP. Cost containment and efficiency are likely to remain on hospital systems' executive agendas long after the recession has passed. Fortunately, today's environment brings new opportunities to providers' battle against costs. One such opportunity is to adopt a shared services model for business support activities. Done […]