Medicare Reporting Requirements Changes

Scott Altes, Esq., Fennemore Craig, LLC, Phoenix AZ. Section 111 of the Medicare, Medicaid and S.C.H.I.P. Extension Act of 2007 establishes new reporting requirements which obligate payers (including insurers and self-insured entities) to report to Medicare certain settlements, judgments, awards, or other payments made to Medicare beneficiaries. The statute expressly provides for substantial monetary penalties […]

Creating Multidisciplinary Views of the Patient Using Integrated Identity and Access Management

Don York, Director of IT, Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CRTC), The University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC), San Antonio. Clinicians were previously faced with multiple user IDs and passwords, redundant patient queries and ongoing struggles to efficiently access data. Don explains how they were able to enhance care delivery, increase productivity and maximize […]

Implementing Electronic Documentation with AORN SYNTEGRITY: Standardized Perioperative Framework (SPF)

Louise Kenney, RN, BSN, MSM, Senior Consultant, Computer Science Corporation, Barbara Ripollone, Partner, Health Delivery Supply Chain & Perioperative Practice Director, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Janie Bowman-Hayes, Informatics Nurse Specialists, AORN. AORN SYNTEGRITY is a complement to EHRs designed to provide a consistent and reliable documentation data model across the continuum of perioperative patient care […]

Accomplishing EHR/HIE: Lessons from Europe

Fran Turisco, Research Principal, CSC. The U.S. is poised to make substantial progress in implementing EHRs and HIEs to support healthcare reform. Our experiences in helping Denmark, the Netherlands, and three regions in the UK implement their eHealth solutions provide guidance and shared experiences for U.S. efforts.

IT Optimization: Lowering IT Costs Without Outsourcing

Mitch Morris and Kent Wheeler, Deloitte Consulting. With increasing financial pressures on hospitals, coupled with increased needs for IT investment in clinical systems, the imperative for an effective and efficient IT function has never been more pressing. While outsourcers promise lower cost with reliable service levels, the industry has been slow to accept this approach […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 17: Remote Hosting Operations

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators. Questions for discussion include: Are you using Remote Hosting Operations (RHO)? If not, are you contemplating it? What advantages have you found - clinically, financially, resource utilization-wise? Have you had any problems? If so, what, […]

Health System National Quality and Efficiency Benchmarks: Value of BI

Jean Chenoweth, Senior Vice President, 100 Top Hospitals Programs, Thomson Reuters. The Thomson Reuters "100 Top Hospitals" Health System Quality/Efficiency Benchmarks study sets a new standard for transparency using scalable data to measure and objectively compare quality and efficiency across health systems as single organizations. Hear the study findings, as well as the important questions […]

Services Revolutionizing Revenue Cycle

Graham Triggs, Senior Research Manager - Professional Services, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. With slim margins in a slow economy, many healthcare providers are turning to revenue cycle services to tighten their bottom line in the face of huge receivables. The return on investment and project results look positive for these services, but many aspects of […]

U.S. Healthcare 2015

Jordan Battani, Principle Researcher-Health Plans, and Erica Drazen, Managing Partner, Emerging Practices, CSC. The U.S. healthcare industry is at a crossroads in 2009, and the next five years promise to be a time of upheaval and transformation as the entire industry redefines itself to deliver healthcare that is safe, effective, and high quality to enough […]

Update on Meaningful Use

Dr. John P. Glaser, PhD, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Partners Healthcare, and Senior Advisor to David Blumenthal, MD, HHS/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Mitch Morris, MD, Principal, Deloitte Consulting. ARRA EHR incentives for hospitals and providers require the meaningful use of electronic health records. This call discusses the […]

RIS Workflow and Enterprise Imaging Strategies: Conflict or Convergence?

Ben Brown, General Manager, Medical Imaging/Medical Equipment, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. Vendors have been busily releasing and acquiring new RIS products. Single-vendor RIS/PACS and CIS/RIS competitors offer systems that squeeze the market space around standalone RIS vendors and create compelling one-stop vendor options for hospital executives. Which vendors deliver integrated, full-featured enterprise systems? How is […]

Order Management in CPOE

Beverly Bell, Partner, Clinical Implementation Practice Director, Healthcare Group, Jane Metzger, Principal, Emerging Practices, and Donna Schmidt, CNO, CSC. Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is clearly a core element of Meaningful Use required for hospitals to qualify for the financial incentives offered under the HITECH stimulus bill. Stalled or suspended CPOE rollouts often result from […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 18: UCern

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators. The topic is UCern. Discussion questions include: Are you a member? Do you like the concept - why or why not? What do you see as its main purpose? How else can it be leveraged, […]

IT Service Quality – Delivered Meaningfully

Michael Wilson, Senior IT Director, Clinical Information Systems, Compuware. How do you really know if you are meeting or will meet meaningful use requirements? Are your applications available and performing to deliver the highest quality of care? Mike describes effective tools and processes to monitor IT service quality and help you focus on the performance […]

Optimize your ICD-10 Planning and Implementation

A significant issue in healthcare today is the mandate to move from ICD-9 to the ICD-10 system for disease classification as well as the change from HIPAA 4010 to 5010. Industry analysts characterize ICD-10 as potentially exceeding Y2K with respect to cost and impact, so planning is essential. This session focuses on organizational preparation for […]