Accelerated CPOE using Rapid Order Sets Development

Carmin Hunter-Siegert, MBA, PMP, Principal, and Judi Binderman, MD, MBA, MHSA, consulting physician and Principal, CSC. As more organizations hurry to move clinical application implementation forward in an effort to meet the anticipated definition of 'meaningful use,' it becomes helpful to identify opportunities for acceleration of the implementation steps ... perhaps the most difficult is […]

Achieving Meaningful Use

David C. Classen, M.D., M.S., Senior Partner, CSC, and leader of CSC's clinical excellence and safety and quality initiatives, and Erica Drazen, SC.D., Managing Partner, CSC, and leader of the Emerging Practices Group, the applied research function of CSC Global Health. On June 16th the ONC Meaningful Use Work Group presented to the ONC Policy […]

Meaningful Use: How Do EMR Solutions Stack Up?

Kent Gale, Chairman, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. In the wake of the HIT Policy Committee's initial recommendations for the definition of meaningful use, many hospitals are trying to understand whether their EMR solution can get them where they need to go. Drawing on the experiences of thousands of providers, Kent Gale tackles that question by […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 14: Personal Health Records (PHRs) and Other Patient Interface Capabilities in Cerner

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators; please come prepared to discuss your experience or plans. Questions for discussion include: Does your organization use PHRs in conjunction with Cerner or have plans to do so? Are you using, or have plans for […]

Stimulus Package: What Impact Will it Have?

Dr. Bob Williams, Tom Foley, Deloitte Consulting, and Eric Finocchiaro, Deloitte Consulting Specialist Leader. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of February 2009 provides $36 Billion in incentive funding to accelerate the adoption and interoperability of electronic health records (EHR), as well as significant penalty provisions for non-achievement. The stimulus […]

Cardiology IT: Is it a CVIS Yet?

Ben Brown, General Manager, Medical Imaging/Medical Equipment, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. In this session, Ben takes a comprehensive look at the very fragmented market for cardiology IT, which continues to experience a significant amount of churn as providers seek a complete system that can efficiently distribute images, offer intuitive physician reporting tools and handle operational […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 15: Medication Reconciliation, Including Use of Convert to Prescription

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators. Please come prepared to discuss your experience or plans. Questions for discussion include: Describe your workflow for medication reconciliation: How do physicians, nursing and pharmacy interact? What part do they each play? Does one person/function […]

The HIE of One

Patrick Rossignol, Deloitte Consulting. How can hospitals take advantage of HITECH funding, the push for interoperable EHRs, and the emergence of technological solutions to create an effective referring physician network?

Top Ten Hospital Technology Issues: C-Suite Watch List for 2009 and Beyond

Anthony J. Montagnolo, M.S., Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, ECRI Institute, presents an overview of ECRI Institute's recently published emerging health technologies research paper.   This not-for-profit research institute studies and compares the efficacy of similar drugs and devices, and identifies key technologies to monitor.  Attend to understand the benefits and shortcomings of expensive, […]

Improving Quality of Care by Streamlining Access to The Right Information at the Right Time

Chuck Podesta, SVP/Chief Information Officer and John McConnell, Senior Web Developer from Fletcher Allen Health Care share the strategy and execution of PRISM - Fletcher Allen's Patient Record Information Management System, and how contextually aligning data across all systems delivered the critical interoperability needed to fully realize the vision of a complete, electronic patient record. […]

Professional Services Fallout from Market Consolidation

Mike Smith, General Manager, Financial/Services, KLAS Enterprises, Orem, UT. Acquisitions and a shifting economy have changed the game in today's healthcare IT (HIT) consulting world. Bigger is not always better, and paying more is not the insurance it once was. In this teleconference KLAS expounds findings from a recent HIT consulting services study to answer […]

Cerner Collaboration No. 16: M-Pages

Judy Van Norman, Senior Director, Care Transformation, Banner Health, and Dr. Joel Shoolin, Vice President, Clinical Information, Advocate Healthcare, moderators. Please come prepared to discuss your experience or plans. Questions for discussion include: Have you purchased MPages or are you considering purchasing MPages, and if so, how have you employed MPages or how are you […]

2009 Fall Forum

“Healthcare Reform and Achieving Meaningful Use: The Pivotal Role of Clinical Business Intelligence”

An Update on EHR Certification

Mark Leavitt, MD, PhD, Chair of the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology, will discuss major updates to the Commission's programs including response to new HHS requirements. CCHIT is an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has been recognized by the federal government as an official certification body for electronic health records. CCHIT's mission is to […]

Clinical Charting Guidelines per the IPPS Rule and How that Applies to Electronic Documentation

Michael Larson, Deloitte Consulting. As has always been the case, the medical record must substantiate the diagnosis, procedures and services that appear on the claim. With the recent Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the need for accuracy and precision of clinical documentation is expected to […]