The future was on the minds of CEOs and other health-system leaders from Scottsdale Institute member organizations as they tackled consumerism, digital health and even the politics of healthcare at the 2019 SI Annual Conference April 10-12 at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Ariz. SI’s 26th Annual Conference “Consumer-Centric Healthcare: IT Models of the Future” addressed the transformation of healthcare from top to bottom, ranging from the CEO panel “Retooling Tomorrow’s Health System” to “The Secrets of Consumer/Digital Health Success” featuring member Digital, Innovation, and Consumer executives; the “Health System IT Structures of the Future” panel, featuring nationally prominent health system CIOs; and a thought-provoking discussion among clinical IT leaders on “Computer-Aided Care of the Future.” Dr. Dave Rhew, Chief Medical Officer at Samsung kicked off the week with emotionally charged illustrations of today’s tech-enabled healthcare consumers; Dr. Paul Keckley’s closing keynote explored “Who will Define the Future of the U.S Healthcare System?” and Dr. John Glaser’s adeptly moderated “Town Hall Forum” with industry leaders challenged all of us to continue the work of transforming the nation’s healthcare delivery system.