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SI Research Report: Data & Analytics: Overcoming Strategic Challenges to Growth

SI Research Report: Data & Analytics: Overcoming Strategic Challenges to Growth

To get a sense of how the analytics function is structured among its Member organizations, Scottsdale Institute (SI) embarked on a research project in collaboration with Health Catalyst, a leading provider of Data & Analytics (D&A) technology and services to healthcare organizations. Twenty-two SI Member organizations were interviewed about the status of their D&A function. The survey respondents were the executives charged with leading this technical workforce and providing strategic leadership regarding analytics capabilities across the enterprise. With survey results in hand, SI then conducted in-depth interviews with three well-respected practitioners of the analyst’s science and art: Lance Millburg, MBA, CLSSBB, System Administrator of Quality & Performance Improvement, Memorial Health; Danny Sama, Vice President & Chief Digital Executive, Northwestern Medicine; and David Torgerson, Chief Analytics Officer, Sentara Health. Each of these team leaders provided insightful perspectives on where the D&A program has been, and where they think it is going. We asked them to identify their pain points, trends they see in their health systems and their hopes (and fears) for the future.