David Collins, MHA, CPHIMS, FHIMSS
Practice Administrator Telemedicine, VCU Health
VCU Health, Practice Administrator, Telemedicine
Leveraging health IT as a tool to achieve improved outcomes for the patient experience has been David’s driving interest and passion since his early days working in the ED and EMS.
David joined VCU Health in 2015, and currently serves as the Practice Administrator for the Office of Telemedicine, operationalizing multiple telemedicine strategies to increase capacity and efficiency for patients and providers. David also serves as Adjunct Faculty for the VCU Department of Health Administration, teaching Information Systems for Health Care Management, to the Master of Science in Health Administration program.
Prior to Telemedicine at VCU Health, David served as manager of the CMS Quality Payment Program to optimize improvement activities, decrease resource utilization, and improve quality outcomes.
David spent ten years at HIMSS serving in a variety of content expert roles, including leadership of the HIMSS Davies EHR Awards of Excellence program and the connected health team, developing resources for telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and mobile health.
Other roles have included the Virginia Quality Improvement Organization and Trigon Blue Cross Blue Shield.
David holds the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ), the Certified Professional Health Information Management Systems (CPHIMS), the Certified Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma (CLSSGB), as well as designation of Fellow of HIMSS (FHIMSS).
David has had the honor to serve as a U.S. Senate Productivity Quality Award Examiner in Virginia, a judge for the Virginia Healthcare Innovation Award, and an Examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Performance Excellence Program.
Posted March 2019
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