Jim Veline
SVP and CIO, Avera Health
Current Role: Jim Veline is the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Avera Health, Sioux Falls, S.D., where he oversees the health systems’ IT services. Avera is a regional health network comprised 16,000 employees and 900 employed physicians serving more than 300 locations in 100 communities throughout southeastern South Dakota and areas of four surrounding states. Avera serves a geographical footprint of 72,000 square miles and 86 counties. Avera’s IT departments also serve 7 independent operations.
Education: Jim holds a master degree in business administration, a master degree in the arts both from the University of Nebraska, and a certificate in healthcare administration from the University of Minnesota.
Background/Service & Affiliations:Jim’s experience includes 9 years of service at the Nebraska Methodist Health System followed by 13 years of service at the Nebraska Health System, Omaha NE. Jim served on the Most Wired Editorial Board for 8 years, as well as the Verizon Wireless Advisory Board for 4 years and the Technical Advisory Board at Dakota State for 2 years. Jim has been a member of both HIMMS & CHIME for 15 plus years.
Accomplishments: Jim has been instrumental in the development of Avera’s telemedicine program Avera eCare”
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