Luke Hansen, MD

Luke Hansen, MD

Vice President and CMIO for Population Health, AMITA Health

Dr. Luke Hansen is Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Population Health at AMITA Health, a six acute care hospital health system providing care in the Chicago area. He has expertise in clinical analytics and clinical care applied to population health, clinical quality, health services research, and direct patient care. In his current role he provides clinical leadership to the Population Health and Clinical Integration program at AMITA Health, which includes participation in Medicare and Commercial value-based care arrangements covering over 180,000 attributed lives.

Dr. Hansen has an M.D. from Loyola University’s Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and an M.H.S from the Yale University School of Medicine. He has published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and the Journal of Hospital Medicine on efforts to reduce rehospitalization. Dr. Hansen was previously Assistant Professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, where his work focused on transitions of care, risk analysis, and implementing best practices across diverse care settings.

Updated November 2017

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