Ranjit Aiyagari, MD, FACC
CMIO, Michigan Medicine
Ranjit Aiyagari, MD, FACC is Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) of the University of Michigan Health System (Michigan Medicine). He is also a Clinical Professor of Pediatric Cardiology at the University of Michigan Medical School with an area of focus in pediatric cardiac critical care. He is board certified in both Pediatric Cardiology and Clinical Informatics. In his role as CMIO, he drives Michigan’s health information technology strategy and oversees its operational deployment across a landscape of approximately 4000 physicians who conduct > 2,300,000 clinic visits and > 48,000 hospital discharges per year and in the context of a top medical school with ~$600,000,000 sponsored awards to support research and > 6000 publications per year. He is dedicated to making computer systems work for rather than against physicians, as well as improving the health of children with the most severe forms of congenital heart disease.
Bio updated September 2020