Rebecca W. Chater, RPh, MPH, FAPhA

Rebecca W. Chater, RPh, MPH, FAPhA

Director of Healthcare Strategy, Omnicell

Rebecca Chater has been a career-long pioneer in innovative community-based clinical pharmacy practice. She earned both her B.S. in Pharmacy and Masters in Public Health from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Chater is the Director of Healthcare Strategy with Omnicell, a healthcare technology company providing innovation to support safe and adherent medication use throughout the healthcare continuum. Throughout her career, Chater has championed the pharmacist as a medication expert, integral to the healthcare team. Her career in pharmacy spans many settings–community practice, medical practice, academia, long term care, and specialty pharmacy–with more than twenty years of experience in advancing community pharmacy-based clinical services utilizing an appointment-based model.

Chater is a past Trustee and Fellow of the American Pharmacists Association and has received numerous state and national awards for professional leadership, mentorship, and innovation including the American Pharmacists Association prestigious Gloria Neimeyer Franke Leadership Mentor Award, the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Distinguished Service Award, the North Carolina Pharmacist-Preceptor of the Year, and the North Carolina of Pharmacists’ Innovative Practice Award. She is a two-term elected Member and Past President of the NC Board of Pharmacy.

Chater holds adjunct faculty appointments at the level of professor at UNC, Campbell, and Wingate universities. She serves on editorial advisory boards for the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association and Pharmacy Times. Other current professional involvements include: the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy MTM Advisory Group, the NACDS Faculty Scholars Program, and the Pharmacy Quality Alliance Measure Validity Panel, Research Coordinating Council, Measure Update Panel, and Risk Adjustment Advisory Panel.

Chater has more than 200 publications, grants, and invited presentations to her credit, including the National Academy of Medicine landmark report, Preventing Medication Errors.

Updated September 2019

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